
  • Client: ActiveSeed
  • Project type: Revamp
  • Date: Since 2020
  • Services: UX/UI DesignWeb developmentArtistic DirectionProcess automationDataVirtual assistant

ActiveSeed is an online platform that offers to manage savings without reducing financial returns. It provides next-generation recommendations for asset management with maximum profitability taking into account the projects and risk sensitivity of each client. It is the first robot-advisor to offer diversified portfolios focused on health and eco-responsibility.


Thanks to a user-friendly interface, fees among the lowest of the market and investment portfolio options starting at €1,000, ActiveSeed has made traditional, socially responsible and biotech investments available to any consumer.



The funding team was looking at disrupting the status quo of the consumer investments market which lacked innovation in France. A strong technical partner sharing ActiveSeed objectives and culture was required to create a brand new service experience in a complex and legacy financial ecosystem.

ActiveSeed wanted to build its Fintech value proposition around 4 pillars:

    100% digital, to allow consumers to sign-up and contract financial services exclusively online. Legal compliance, in respect of financials regulation and GDPR requirements. Service tailored for consumers with no prior knowledge (for non-savvy investors) to investments. Leveraging the partner ecosystem, to increase the investments portfolio reach and diversity.


We built from the ground up the full platform stack necessary to launch and operate a fintech service, including front and back-office, CRM, business process tools and 3rd party integrations to build a 100% digital journey.

After the service went live, we kept managing the product backlog to meet ActiveSeed's strategic roadmap and guarantee the availability of the required fintech service platform capabilities:


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  • Integrated identity and document validation.
  • Digital signature of financial contracts.
  • Built-in AI to identify prospect and client opportunities.
  • Provides complex task automations dedicated to financial sector.
  • Management of contract underwriting and contract management process.
  • Tool for managing contracts.

The UX/UI design team worked on creating a disruptive service experience to beat the market best practices. We have proposed new features and process optimizations in order to streamline as much as possible the contract creation for the user and the contract management for the client taking into account the financial regulation constraints. As this is a long term run, we are always analyzing the collected data for defining new ways of improving the usability of the service.


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The project management and development teams put much focus on the features that provided ActiveSeed with a strong competitive advantage:

Robot advisor

A virtual assistant assesses the client's life plan and risk tolerance in order to support them in their investment. The tool delivers personalized recommendations according to the risk profile, the savings profile and the investment horizon.

100% digital onboarding

An ergonomic, intuitive and 100% online experience that encompasses each step of the subscription life cycle: onboarding, electronic signature, KYC process and validation, client funds handling, automated fund allocations.

Simplified self-support

Specific experience flows to allow users to manage their personal investment portfolios (new deposit, withdrawal, periodic payment) and to easily modify, set up or cancel operations on their contract. Users can also follow the management of their portfolio with real time information (evolution, projection, distribution, balance).

CRM platform

A dedicated tool for customers and assets management that provides user data and complex task automations tailored for the financial sector. The interface was designed to simplify contract management for administrators (subscription, project modification) with real-time contract information retrieved from Generali.

Automated financial processes

The back office periodically performs the calculations and updates automatically the customer assets (ETF, funds, arbitration) with the best resource allocations based on real time market data.

Generali partnership

thanks to a strong business collaboration and a deep technical integration strategy, ActiveSeed was capable of complementing the service offering of a legacy financial actor without any digital journey.


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A dedicated team composed of UX/UI designers, developers and project managers has been collaborating on a daily-basis with ActiveSeed since the beginning of the service creation. Working in a full agile methodology, the team keeps building new features and maintaining the service to meet the constantly-evolving financial regulatory requirements.


Project Manager: Rémy Guedidou, . Idir Fouquet, .

UX Designer: Javier Catalán de la Puente, .

Data Analyst: Vitor Monteiro, .

UI Designer: Mar Fernández-Cuenca, .

Development: Carlos González, . David Jiménez, . Julien Gueperoux, . Eduard Aymerich, . Carlos González, .


Axure, .Figma, .Business Process management, .Gitlab, .Wagtail, .Google suite, .Google Analytics, .HTML, .CSS, .Java Script, .Python, .Django, .Nuxt, .Celery, .PostgreSQL, .